
Love (God) Based Relationships

By Robert Macs Art LLC (C) 2024

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that testifies that Jesus is the Christ, The Deliverer of the people.
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I found myself locked in the gaze of the Divine, His eyes piercing the depths of my soul. A love so intense, so overwhelming radiated from Him, unlike anything I had ever known. It wasn’t just a feeling – it was a presence, a force that enveloped me completely. His essence became my desire – self-sacrifice, compassion, love and harmony in relationships. That day marked a shift, an evolution from old patterns to embracing the path of love in all my interactions.

Suddenly, my attention was drawn to the center of the throne where a Lamb stood. Its appearance struck me – it looked as if it had been slain. Around it circled the four living creatures and the elders, their attention focused on this singular entity.

This Lamb was different – seven horns crowned its head and seven eyes pierced through me. Those eyes were not just organs of sight but representations of the seven spirits of God, reaching out to every corner of the earth.

I watched as it approached Him who sat on the throne and took a scroll from His right hand. This simple act resonated with profound significance, rippling through the celestial court.

In response to this momentous act, the four living creatures and twenty-four elders prostrated themselves before the Lamb. The reverence and awe palpable in their actions painted a vivid picture of their devotion and respect for this Lamb.

Every detail etched itself into my memory, creating an unforgettable tableau of divine majesty and power. It was not just an event but a revelation, an unfolding mystery that was both humbling and awe-inspiring. The image seared itself into my consciousness – God’s love and sacrifice symbolized by the slain Lamb at the center of everything.

Before the vision I was thinking that my wife didn’t meet my needs or my husband isn’t paying attention to me. I don’t feel important. I flirt with others to bring myself some satisfaction, now I can’t take my eyes of Jesus. His love is fulfilling and wonderful. My life changes this day as I put Him first in my life and become a slave to His love forever. May the peace stay with me and help my family grow into a celebration of all that He has done for me.

Prior to the divine revelation, my mind was a battleground of petty grievances and self-centered thoughts. My wife didn’t seem to meet my needs, and I found myself questioning her commitment. The notion that my husband wasn’t paying me enough attention nagged at me incessantly. I felt undervalued, unimportant. The temptation to flirt with others for a fleeting sense of satisfaction gnawed at my resolve.

Yet now, after the vision, everything had changed. Jesus stood before me in all His glory, His love so fulfilling it made all other desires seem trivial. It was a love that didn’t just fill the void – it transformed it into a wellspring of joy and contentment.

The allure of temporary satisfaction faded away, replaced by the allure of His everlasting love. No longer did I crave validation from others – His love was all the validation I needed. I was mesmerized, unable to take my eyes off Him.

My life pivoted that day. The Lord became my north star, guiding every decision, every thought, every action. I was no longer a slave to worldly desires but a willing servant of His divine love.

I was humbled by His sacrifice and moved by His unwavering love for us all. It was not just an emotion but a force that transformed me from within. A shift in perspective – from self-centeredness to selflessness.

And with this transformation came peace. A peace so profound it washed over me like a wave, calming the storm within me. This peace wasn’t just an absence of conflict but a presence of harmony and understanding.

With this newfound peace and purpose, I turned towards my family. They were not obstacles in my path to happiness but companions on this journey towards divine love.

Every interaction became an opportunity to express His love, every challenge an opportunity to demonstrate His patience and understanding. The family dynamics shifted from being about ‘me’ to being about ‘us’, a celebration of all that He had done for me.

May this peace remain with me, and may my family continue to grow in His love. I no longer sought satisfaction from others – His love was all the satisfaction I needed.

Chapter 2 The Beginning

I found myself in a place of untamed beauty, where time stood still and the rhythm of life pulsed in every leaf, every blade of grass. The Lord God had crafted a sanctuary of resplendent colors and vibrant life, a paradise known as Eden. It was there that I first drew breath, where dust and divine breath fused to create something entirely new – me.

God’s handiwork surrounded me, trees that bore fruit as pleasing to the taste as they were to the eye. There was an abundance of food, a feast for both body and soul. Two trees stood at the heart of this paradise – the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They were different, special.

The Lord took me by the hand and led me through the garden. He entrusted me with its care, a task I accepted with humility and reverence. The work was fulfilling, not a burden but a joy.

God gave me freedom, but with it came responsibility. I could eat from any tree in the garden except one – the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. He warned me about it, His voice solemn, “for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” His words echoed in my mind, a solemn reminder amidst Eden’s tranquility.

In this divine sanctuary, I began to understand relationships. I was not alone – God was with me, guiding me, teaching me about life and love. This was my beginning; it was here that I first understood what it meant to be alive.

Eden was not just a location; it was an experience that shaped my understanding of existence and relationships. It wasn’t just about following God’s command but also about appreciating His creation, nurturing it as He nurtured me.

Every sunrise brought a new day filled with discovery and wonder; every sunset wrapped the garden in hues of crimson and gold as if each day was a gift being gently unwrapped. In the midst of it all, I stood in awe of the One who had breathed life into me.

The beginning of relationships started in Eden, a place of perfect harmony and divine presence. It was a journey that began with a single step, a single breath, a single command. The experience imprinted on my soul, shaping my perspective and setting the course for the journey that lay ahead.

The day began as any other, with the vibrant chorus of Eden’s creatures greeting the dawn. I was engrossed in my duties, my hands gently caressing the leaves of a tree, when an overwhelming weariness seized me. It was asleep so deep and encompassing that it felt as if the very essence of life was being drained from me.

As slumber overtook me, I felt a sharp pain in my side, a sensation that was quickly replaced by a comforting warmth. Then everything slipped away into the black abyss of unconsciousness.

When I awoke, I found myself not alone. The Lord stood before me, His divine countenance radiating love and compassion. But it wasn’t Him that drew my attention. It was her.

There she stood, a creature of incomparable beauty and grace. She had been sculpted from my very own flesh and bone, yet she was distinctly different, unique. Her eyes were pools of warmth and understanding that mirrored my own.

“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” I uttered in wonderment. I called her ‘woman,’ for she was drawn out from man. She was not just an extension of me but an entity unto herself, an embodiment of God’s love and grace.

God had breathed life into us both; we were His creation, distinct yet united in purpose and spirit. From that moment on, I knew we were meant to be together – to leave behind our individual existence and become one in body and spirit.

Our union transcended the physical realm; it was an emotional and spiritual connection that brought us closer to each other and to God. We stood together under the canopy of Eden’s lush foliage; our bodies bare but for the love that enveloped us like a warm blanket. There was no shame in our nakedness; we were God’s creation in its purest form.

In Eden’s paradise, we lived in perfect harmony, untouched by the outside world’s corruption and deceit. Our days were filled with laughter and shared experiences, our nights with tender moments under the stars’ gentle glow.

This was the beginning of a journey, a journey that started with a single rib and a divine intervention. We were two halves of a whole, brought together by God’s love and grace. We were man and woman, united in purpose and spirit, living in God’s perfect creation.

Chapter 3 The Breakdown

Life in Eden, once serene and harmonious, shifted with an undercurrent of unease. A craving for more – more knowledge, more power – took root in our hearts. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, once a forbidden entity, became an object of desire. Its fruit hung heavy and enticing, whispering promises of untold wisdom. And we succumbed.

In a moment of weakness, we tasted the forbidden fruit, and the innocence of Eden was forever lost. Our actions birthed consequences that echoed through generations, shaping the dynamics of relationships to this day.

Our family grew. We were blessed with two sons, Cain and Abel. Their arrival brought joy but also marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with challenges and conflict.

Cain was the firstborn, robust and hearty with a temperament as sturdy as the soil he worked. Abel was different – gentle and introspective, his soul seemed to resonate with the flock he shepherded.

One day, they brought offerings to the Lord. Abel presented fat portions from his flock’s firstborn – an offering that mirrored his sincere heart. Cain, on the other hand, offered fruits from his labor on the soil.

The Lord’s favor rested on Abel’s offering. It was a gesture that struck a chord of discord in Cain’s heart. His countenance darkened like storm clouds on the horizon; his joy wilted like a sun-parched flower.

The Lord saw Cain’s turmoil and addressed him with words meant to soothe his troubled spirit. He encouraged Cain to master his emotions before they overpowered him. However, those words fell on deaf ears as resentment bloomed within Cain like a thorny weed.

One fateful day, Cain beckoned Abel to accompany him to the field – a seemingly innocent invitation masking sinister intention.

Underneath the open sky, amid the rustling wheat stalks swaying in rhythm with the breeze, a tragic event unfolded. Cain, fueled by his rage and jealousy, attacked Abel. The gentle shepherd fell to the ground, his life extinguished under the hands of his own brother.

The air seemed to hold its breath; the once cheerful birdsong now replaced with an eerie silence. The tranquility of the field was shattered by a heinous act of violence, staining the soil with Abel’s innocent blood.

This was a moment that forever altered the course of human relationships – a chilling reminder of how unchecked emotions can lead to catastrophic consequences. It served as a painful testament to our actions in Eden and their enduring impact on humanity.

Chapter 4 The Focus

As the echoes of Abel’s demise lingered in the air, a realization dawned on me. My heart echoed with the words, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” A whisper of hope amidst the turmoil.

I saw it then, as clear as the sun rising after a stormy night. The path laid out by the Spirit who gives life. The very Spirit that had set me free from the law of sin and death.

My gaze wandered to my hands, stained by disobedience. Flesh that had succumbed to temptation, weakening my resolve. But it wasn’t about what I could do or couldn’t do. It was about what God did.

In sending His own Son, He made a sin offering, and in doing so, condemned sin in the flesh. A sacrifice so profound that it could fulfill the righteous requirement of the law in us. A divine gesture that resonated with those who lived not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

As I dwelled on this revelation, my perspective shifted. I was no longer bound by fleshly desires but drawn towards what the Spirit desired. My mind felt liberated from the chains of sin and death, brimming with life and peace.

A harsh truth became evident: a mind governed by flesh could never submit to God’s law. It was hostile, rebellious. It didn’t have room for pleasing God.

Yet, I found solace knowing I wasn’t confined to the realm of flesh but existed in the realm of Spirit. For if indeed God’s Spirit lived within me, I belonged to Christ.

Even though my body remained subject to death because of sin, I felt a surge of life within me because of righteousness.

It wasn’t just life; it was eternal life granted by him who raised Jesus from the dead. And if his Spirit was living in me, he would give life to my mortal body too. A promise that felt like a balm on my weary soul.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the blood-stained field. The echo of Abel’s life and death, of God’s mercy and judgement, hung in the air, an eternal testament to our fallibility and His grace.

The harsh realization was a bitter pill to swallow. I’d been ungrateful, a creature of greed and selfishness, failing to recognize the blessings that were strewn in my path. God had been generous, yet my insatiable desire for more had blinded me to His kindness and mercy.

It wasn’t wealth or power I craved; it was validation, acceptance, love. Yet in my futile pursuit of worldly affirmation, I’d overlooked the most profound love of all – the love of God.

I remembered the scriptures, how He gave His life so that we could stand blameless before Him. The enormity of that sacrifice hit me like a wave crashing on the shore, its impact echoing through every fiber of my being.

My relationship with God needed mending. It was not merely about believing in Him or adhering to His commandments. It was about nurturing a deep connection with Him, engaging in an ongoing dialogue filled with gratitude and reverence.

I closed my eyes and let His words wash over me, painting images of love and forgiveness in the canvas of my mind. I realized that I needed to align myself with God’s love first and foremost, understanding its depth and breadth before embarking on the journey He had laid out for me.

And so, I began talking to Him as one would converse with a dear friend – openly, honestly, without any pretense. I walked with Him in silence, feeling His presence guiding me along paths I’d once been too blind to see.

This newfound obedience was not burdensome; instead, it was liberating. Each step I took on this path drew me closer to the essence of God’s love – pure, selfless, enduring.

I understood then what it meant to walk with a loving Creator and choose the path He had for my life. It was not about subjugation but about submission borne out of love and respect.

In that quiet communion, I felt a profound change within me. The seeds of gratitude had been sown in the fertile soil of my heart, replacing the weeds of discontent and ungratefulness. I began to appreciate God’s gifts, both big and small, and thanked Him for His endless mercy.

I was not the same person I’d been. The transformation was subtle yet profound. I felt lighter, unburdened by worldly desires, my heart brimming with gratitude and love for my Creator.

Chapter 5 Roles

The following day dawned bright and clear, a stark contrast to the tumult that had once reigned within me. The path ahead was no longer shrouded in uncertainty; it was illuminated by the divine light of God’s love.

“Show them, Lord,” I whispered into the early morning breeze. “Let them see your love through me.”

It was a daunting task, to be sure. To live a life so steeped in love and kindness that it mirrored the glory of God Himself. But I felt ready, fortified by the Holy Spirit that now resided within me.

My first task lay at home. My family had seen me struggle, watched me grapple with worldly desires and personal demons. They deserved to witness my transformation first hand.

In my interactions with them, I found myself instinctively leaning towards kindness and understanding. Boundaries were respected, arguments diffused with calm reasoning instead of heated retorts. Their puzzled expressions gave way to tentative smiles as they began to notice the change in me.

The Holy Spirit was indeed working within me, guiding my actions, tempering my words. It felt like a warm ember glowing in my heart, radiating love and peace into every corner of my life.

Outside the confines of my home, I carried this newfound serenity with me. It was not an act put on for the world to see but a genuine reflection of the change within me.

At work, colleagues noticed my patience during stressful meetings, my willingness to help without expecting anything in return. Friends remarked on my peaceful demeanor and infectious positivity. Even strangers seemed drawn to the calm assurance that now marked my existence.

It was humbling and awe-inspiring to realize how powerfully God’s love could manifest when allowed to take root within one’s heart.

As days turned into weeks and then months, I felt an unshakeable bond forming between God and me. A bond forged in faith and cemented by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I was His vessel, filled to the brim with His love and mercy, ready to pour it out into the world.

It was not a burden but a gift – to love God and to be loved by Him in return. To experience His acceptance, His forgiveness, His transformational power. And then to reflect that love back into the world.

This relationship with God was my rock, my guiding light. He accepted me as I was, flawed and imperfect, and then set about gently reshaping my heart and mind from within.

And in that reshaping, I found my true self. A self that mirrored God’s love, radiated His peace, and lived out His mercy. A self that was a testament to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

As I continued on this journey, one thing became abundantly clear – when God’s love fills a heart, it doesn’t just change the person. It changes the world around them. And that change was only just beginning.

Chapter 6 Weakness

With the dawn of a new day, I woke up, feeling a newfound strength coursing through my veins. I could feel His presence within me, guiding me, empowering me.

“Your grace is sufficient for me,” I whispered into the morning air, a soft prayer that seemed to echo around the room. The words were more than just a statement; they were a promise, a testament to the faith I had in Him.

It was strange to find comfort in my weaknesses, but I realized they were no longer something to be hidden or ashamed of. They were an opportunity for His power to shine through. The weaker I was, the stronger He became within me.

“I boast in my weaknesses,” I declared aloud. There was no shame in my voice, only joy and acceptance. For in my frailties, His power was made manifest.

With every insult hurled at me, every hardship that came my way, every persecution I faced, and every difficulty that loomed ahead, I found delight. Not because they were pleasant experiences – far from it – but because they allowed His power to rest on me.

“Through it all,” I said with conviction as I faced the day ahead, “I am strong.” Not because of my own strength but because of His strength within me.

At work, I encountered obstacles and criticisms. My colleagues questioned my sudden change in demeanor and threw challenges at me. But instead of breaking under the pressure, I thrived. The insults bounced off me like raindrops on a leaf; the hardships became stepping stones on my journey.

As days turned into weeks and then months, the world seemed to conspire against me. There were times when it felt like everything was falling apart. But each time, I reminded myself of His words: “My grace is sufficient for you.”

In the face of persecutions and difficulties, I stood tall and unbroken. My faith remained unshaken, my spirit undeterred. For I knew that when I was weak, His strength was made perfect in me.

With each passing day, I became more attuned to His presence within me. I could feel Him guiding me, shaping me, refining me. Through my weaknesses, He was creating a vessel of His love and mercy.

His grace became my shield, His strength my fortress. In Him, I found the courage to face any storm, the resilience to overcome any adversity.

His power was indeed made perfect in my weakness. And so, I delighted in my frailties, in the challenges life threw at me. For in them, I found His strength and grace, sufficient for me.

Chapter 7 Within

The divine power that surged within me, I realized, was not mine but His. It had given me everything I needed for a godly life, fueling my faith with His own glory and goodness. The knowledge of Him, the one who had called me, became my guiding light.

I found myself in possession of great and precious promises – His promises. Through them, I began to participate in the divine nature, my heart echoing His love and mercy. I felt as though I had escaped the corruption of the world, its darkness replaced by the radiant light of His presence.

With this revelation came a deep sense of responsibility. To uphold His promises, to embody His love, required more than just faith. It demanded action.

I resolved to add to my faith goodness. I strove to be kind, understanding, patient – to reflect His love in every interaction. In turn, this goodness nurtured knowledge within me. The world opened up in ways I’d never seen before; its complexity became a source of wonder rather than confusion.

Knowledge led to self-control. Temptations abounded but now held no power over me. I was no longer a slave to my desires but a master of my own actions.

Self-control cultivated perseverance within me. Every hardship became an opportunity for growth, every challenge a stepping stone on my journey towards Him.

Perseverance then bred godliness – an understanding of what it truly meant to live a life devoted to Him. I found myself seeking His will in all things, guided by a deep-seated desire to please Him.

From godliness sprouted mutual affection – an ability to empathize with others and share in their joys and sorrows. I saw people not as they were but as He saw them – beautiful souls worthy of love and kindness.

Finally, all these qualities culminated in love – pure, unconditional love that echoed His own for us. It filled every crevice of my heart, driving out fear and doubt.

As I possessed these qualities in increasing measure, I found myself growing in my knowledge of Him. I became more effective and productive, my life bearing fruit that glorified Him. My existence, once ordinary, was now imbued with a divine purpose.

Yet this was not the end. It was merely the beginning of a lifelong journey towards Him, a journey filled with His love and guided by His divine power.

Chapter 8 Fools

Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich!” I exclaimed, my words a mix of joy and incredulity.

“You’ve begun to reign, even without us! Oh, how I wish your reign had truly begun, so that we might also share in your rule!” The longing in my voice echoed off the stone walls, bouncing back at me with a sharp sting.

“It seems to me,” I continued, my tone shifting to something grimmer, “that God has placed us apostles at the end of the procession, like those sentenced to die in the arena. We’ve become a spectacle for all creation to see – for angels and humans alike.”

“We’re fools for Christ’s sake, but you…you’re so wise in Him. We’re weak, while you stand strong. You are held in honor, and we? We’re left in disgrace.”

As I spoke, my heart ached with a sorrow I hadn’t expected. “Even now,” I confessed, “we go hungry and thirsty. We’re dressed in rags, treated harshly, without a home to call our own.”

“We labor hard with our own hands. When cursed at, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we respond with kindness.” My voice grew softer with each word until it was barely above a whisper. “We’ve become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world—right up to this very moment.”

The room fell silent. The only sound was the faint crackling of the fire and the distant hoot of an owl. It was as if even nature held its breath in anticipation of what was to come next.

But there was nothing else to say. I had laid bare my soul for all to see – our struggle and our resolve intertwined in one honest confession.

My gaze traveled across the room, meeting the eyes of each individual. I didn’t know what they would make of my words, but it didn’t matter. The truth was out, raw and unfiltered. It was up to them to decide what they would do with it.

In order to serve God we became weak, thankful for even basic needs being met. My joy is walking with God and serving others. Lifting people up and supporting their personal growth became my mission. I am thankful for all that has been given to me. I am blessed beyond words.

“I reckon, we’ve become weak in the world’s eyes to serve God,” I said, the truth of the words sinking into my bones. “We’ve learned to be grateful for even the simplest of needs being met. The crust of bread that fills our stomachs, the threadbare blankets that shield us from the chill.”

My voice grew soft, thoughtful. “My joy doesn’t lie in material wealth or worldly power. No, my joy…it’s in walking with God. It’s in serving others.”

A flicker of warmth kindled in my chest as I spoke, illuminating the humble path I’d chosen. The world might see it as a life of hardship, but to me, it was a life rich with purpose.

“I’ve found my mission,” I confessed. “It’s not in leading armies or ruling kingdoms. It’s in lifting people up, supporting their growth. It’s in helping them discover their worth, their potential.”

A hush fell over the room as I paused, collecting my thoughts. In that quiet moment, gratitude welled up within me.

“I am thankful,” I declared, my voice echoing through the stillness. “I am thankful for all that has been given to me.”

There was no wealth in my pockets or power in my name, but there was richness in my heart and strength in my spirit.

“I am blessed beyond words,” I murmured, a sense of peace washing over me.

And it was true. Despite the hardships we faced, despite the scorn and derision from those who didn’t understand our path, I felt profoundly blessed.

As I looked around at the faces of those who shared this journey with me, a smile tugged at my lips. Our lives were simple and often challenging, but they were also filled with love and purpose.

“We are blessed,” I repeated softly.

The words hung in the air between us – a gentle reminder of our chosen path, our shared mission. It was a life of service, a life of humility, a life of love. And I wouldn’t have traded it for anything else.

Chapter 9 Love Surrenders

I leaned back, feeling the weight of my words settle in the room. The fire flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls. I could see my brothers’ eyes upon me, filled with questions and, perhaps, a newfound understanding.

“We are called to serve,” I began again, my voice steady. “Not just God, but each other as well. Our reverence for Christ is what binds us together.”

The men around me nodded, their faces serious in the firelight.

“But let me speak to you about marriage,” I continued. “A bond that reflects the relationship between Christ and the Church.”

My gaze fell on a young couple sitting near the fire. They were newly married, their love for each other clear in their joined hands and shared glances.

“Wives,” I said, looking at the young woman. “Submit to your husbands as you do to the Lord.”

A few murmurs echoed through the room at my words. But I held up a hand for silence.

“For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church,” I explained. “As we submit to Christ, so too should wives submit to their husbands.”

Turning my gaze to her husband, I continued. “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church.”

The young man nodded solemnly, his grip on his wife’s hand tightening.

“Christ gave himself up for us,” I said softly. “He made us holy, cleansing us through his word. He presented us to himself as a radiant church without stain or wrinkle.”

The words hung in the air for a moment before I spoke again.

“In this same way,” I told him. “You should love your wife as your own body.”

A profound silence settled over us as I let my words sink in.

“He who loves his wife loves himself,” I continued. “No one ever hated their own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church. We are members of his body.”

A pause, then I added, “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”

I looked around the room, meeting each pair of eyes. “This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.”

A moment passed before I concluded. “Each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Chapter 10 Unending Love

As the embers of the fire flickered, casting a warm glow over us, I felt a weight in my heart. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees and clasped my hands together. My brothers turned their attention to me, their faces serious and expectant.

“The end of all things is near,” I began, my voice steady despite the gravity of my words. Their eyes widened slightly, but no one interrupted. They understood the importance of what was being said.

“Be alert,” I urged them. “Be of sober mind. Prayer is our weapon and our shield in these times.”

I paused for a moment, letting my words sink in. I looked at each one of them in turn, seeing their resolve harden.

“But remember,” I continued, “love each other deeply. It’s love that covers over a multitude of sins.”

I watched as understanding dawned on their faces. We were brothers not just by blood, but by faith. We were bound together by our love for each other and our devotion to God.

“Show hospitality to one another,” I told them. “Do it without grumbling.”

A few chuckles echoed around the room at that. We were used to sharing what we had with each other, but it was good to be reminded of why we did it.

“Each one of you has been given a gift,” I said. “Use it to serve others.”

“Because it’s through us,” I concluded, “that God is praised. It’s through us that His glory and power are made known.”

I leaned back, feeling the weight of my words settle in the room. The fire flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls. I could see my brothers’ eyes upon me, filled with questions and, perhaps, a newfound understanding.

“And to Him,” I said softly, “be the glory and the power for ever and ever.”

Chapter 11 Love, Love, Love

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. I felt the eyes of my brothers on me, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of the fire. The weight of what I was about to say sat heavy on my tongue. Jesus gave this commandment for us to follow.

A new command I give you: Love one another.

As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,

if you love one another.” Can we live in relationship with love as our guide?

The words echoed around us, the power of their meaning settling in our hearts. We were not just brothers in blood but brothers in faith, bound together by a shared love and devotion to God.

“Can we live in relationship with love as our guide?” I asked them. Their eyes met mine, each face reflecting the question back at me. It was a challenge, a call to action. A call to be better, to love deeper.

“We long to be accepted by others,” I continued. “So we must first accept God’s love. Once we understand how powerful His love is for us, then we can model this love for others in our lives.”

The truth of my words rang clear and true in the quiet room. God’s love was not something to be taken lightly; it was a force to be reckoned with, a force that could change lives and hearts.

“God doesn’t look at our flaws but covers us with His righteousness,” I said. “Shouldn’t we then not pick at others’ flaws but cover them with grace and love? This is the basis of healthy relationships.”

I paused for a moment, letting my words sink in. We had all been guilty of judging others at times; it was human nature. But we were called to be more than just human; we were called to be disciples.

“In order to have that,” I continued, “we must submit to God’s love and be with those who choose to love in a healthy way. Many people choose to be apart from God and in that act, relationships become self-serving and not pleasing to God.”

I let the words hang in the air for a moment before adding, “Let us surrender our hearts to God and reflect a pure love for one another.”

Chapter 12 Action

I let the silence linger a moment longer, then pressed on.

“We should love one another. Not with a love that is fickle and fleeting, but with a love that is enduring and true. A love that transcends our human understanding.”

I paused, gazing into the flickering flames of the fire. “Do you remember the story of Cain and Abel?” I asked. My brothers nodded, their faces grave. “Cain belonged to the evil one, and he murdered his brother out of jealousy, because Abel’s actions were righteous and his were not.”

I felt the weight of their gazes on me as I continued, “Do not be surprised if the world hates you for your righteousness. The world hated Abel too. But we know that we have passed from death to life because we love each other.”

A murmur of agreement passed through my brothers as I spoke these words. They understood what I was saying, even if they didn’t fully comprehend the depth of it yet.

“Anyone who does not love remains in death,” I warned them. “And anyone who hates a brother or sister is no better than Cain himself.”

The fire crackled and popped, punctuating my words with an ominous note.

“We know what love is because Jesus Christ laid down His life for us,” I said softly. “And we ought to do the same for our brothers and sisters.”

My voice grew quiet as I let the enormity of that statement sink in. Jesus had given up everything for us; could we do any less for each other?

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them,” I continued, “how can the love of God be in that person?”

It was a question meant to provoke thought rather than elicit an answer.

“Dear children,” I said finally, “let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. Love is not just a feeling; it’s an action. It’s a choice we make every day, to put others before ourselves, to sacrifice our wants for their needs.”

And with that, I let the silence fall once more, letting my words seep into their hearts and minds. We sat there together, bound by our shared faith and love, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Chapter 13 Talk Pray

Before the sun dared to peek over the horizon, I roused from my slumber. The house lay shrouded in darkness, its inhabitants still lost in dreams. A quiet solitude enveloped me, a sacred silence only found in the early hours of morning. I left the comfort of my bed and slipped out into the stillness of the pre-dawn world.

My feet guided me to a familiar place of solitude, a place I often sought for reflection and prayer. There, beneath the ink-black sky, speckled with stars like scattered grains of sand, I began my conversation with God.

I closed my eyes and let the words tumble from my lips. They flowed like a river, carrying with them all my thoughts, concerns, hopes, and fears. Every aspect of my life was laid bare before Him; there was no room for pretense or falsehood in this sacred communion.

And as I spoke, I felt His presence surrounding me, comforting me like a warm blanket on a cold night. His silent responses filled me with a sense of peace and reassurance that I couldn’t find anywhere else. This was our time, our shared moment before the world woke up and demanded my attention.

Talking to God wasn’t just an obligation or ritual; it was as natural as breathing. Every day was another opportunity to learn, to grow, to experience the richness of His love and wisdom. It was a chance to bring before Him all things, both big and small, both joyful and sorrowful.

With that, I turned back to my solitary place and continued my conversation with God. For in that quiet space, beneath the slowly lightening sky, I found strength for the day ahead.

Talking to God is as natural as walking in nature and enjoying all that has been created. a quiet mind, a quiet heart leads one to be open to what God has to say. Silence is ok and peace will descend upon those who trust God in all things. Prayer and talking to God are the same. He is all knowing, so don’t treat God as stupid or uniformed. Trusting in God is the key to having peace when things aren’t going well. Listen, talk, walk with God and trust in the process of His creation. He designed you to overcome this world of darkness. He enters your heart and gives you His light of day. Always trust and pray. Always trust and talk to God. He has the answers to your hard question.

The hush of nature whispered God’s love in my ears as I strolled through the verdant expanse of His creation. The rustling leaves seemed to echo His words, the chirping birds seemed to sing His praises, and the soft breeze seemed to carry His gentle caress. I found solace in this sanctuary, this natural cathedral where His divine essence resonated in every living thing.

I carried with me a quiet mind and a quiet heart, for they were the keys that unlocked the door to His wisdom. In my solitude, I found peace. Not the fleeting kind that vanished with the setting sun but a profound tranquility that nestled in my soul like a bird in its nest.

In this peaceful state, I conversed with God. I didn’t pray in the traditional sense; instead, I talked to Him as one would talk to a dear friend or trusted confidant. After all, He knew me better than anyone else; there was no need for grand gestures or eloquent speeches.

And so, I spoke to Him. About my fears and my hopes, my dreams and my failures. And He listened. He listened with an understanding and patience that no mortal could ever muster. And though He did not speak back in words, I felt His answers resonating within me.

Trusting God wasn’t just about having faith that He would guide me through the trials and tribulations of life; it was about having peace amidst the chaos that often engulfed my world. It was about believing that no matter how hard the winds blew or how high the waves rose, I would not be swept away.

In these moments of conversation with God, I found more than just solace; I found strength. The kind of strength that propelled me forward even when the path ahead was obscured by darkness. For it was in Him that I found light – a beacon guiding me towards a haven of hope and peace.

Every step I took, every word I spoke, was a testament to my faith in Him. For I knew that in trusting Him, I was not just trusting a divine entity, but the architect of my existence, the one who had designed me to overcome the trials of this world.

And so, with every breath I took, with every beat of my heart, I would trust and pray. Trust and talk to God. For He held the answers to all my questions, no matter how hard they might be. In Him, I found my peace. In Him, I found my strength. In Him, I found my light.

Chapter 14 Love Realized

A new clarity washed over me, like the first light of dawn piercing through the morning fog. I began to grasp that love, true love, sprang from God. My ability to serve Him, to live a life worthy of His name, hinged on my connection to this divine love. It was the lifeblood of all my relationships, pulsating through every interaction, every shared moment. Without God, love ceased to exist in my world.

I started to walk with Him daily. It wasn’t a physical walk but a spiritual one. I asked questions, waited for answers, savored the silence between us. This was the ultimate relationship, the key that unlocked harmony in my interactions with friends and family.

Patience became more than a virtue; it was a lifestyle. Love wasn’t just an emotion; it was an action. Hope wasn’t merely a concept; it became the backbone of my existence.

My conversations took on a new depth, layered with sincerity and warmth. The chasm of disconnection that had once yawned between me and others began to close. Pain was no longer a dead-end street but a detour leading to growth and understanding.

Trust bloomed in my heart like a flower opening its petals to the sun. I entrusted every thought, every action to God’s guidance. Salvation didn’t just come from belief; it came from love. Without love, I had been wandering in the wilderness of despair and confusion. Now, I was found.

Joy took root in my heart, its tendrils reaching into every corner of my life.

“Join me,” I urged those around me. “Walk with God, talk with God. Let His love permeate your life.”

I encouraged those struggling with their own battles to seek help from counselors who could guide them through their difficult terrains.

“Celebrate this life with me,” I implored them. “Know that God is in love with you. You are His cherished creation.”

In this moment, I knew I was living out the greatest commandment: to love God with all my heart, soul, and mind. And the second, like it: to love my neighbor as myself.

Justan and Bree

The Jesus Way of Love

10 Steps to Love